Friday, April 29, 2016

fleet services and management

When it comes to choosing between changing the oil for individuals driving their personal SUVs or for fleet delivery vehicle managers you've got to take into account the full time, not merely the quantity of money charged per vehicle. It might be enticing to alter the oil for V-8 SUV owners at $45.00 a place, as opposed to cope with the cutthroat competition of bidding on fleet oil change services, but you've to keep in mind something; "The Money Is In the Time and Process, Not the Unit Charge Rate," so, let's talk fleet services and management.
You see, soon ago, I was reminded of the significance of production in the services business, when I was asked by a start-up entrepreneur of on-site auto maintenance. He asked point blank; "How many oil changes could be completed by a decent crew (I am assuming 2 individuals to a crew/truck) within an 8 hour day making use of your trucks and methods?"
Okay, listed here is my experience; with full production - Six Sigma style - vehicles in a row (fleets) the solution is 100s with a crew of three. Personal cars, various different, you'll need very competent auto mechanics with experience 5-6 each hour with 2 people maximum. Obviously, there's more to the story, actually his next question was even blunter and I must say right on target too; "Do the trucks you use focus on one vehicle at any given time or multiple at the same time?"
When doing fleets you use an assembly line methodology, so first, you begin the motors on five vehicles, nevertheless, you pop the hoods on 15 in the row. After 8-minutes, you turn fully off the initial five, start the second five, drain the initial five drain plugs, you receive the idea. Or, you use evacuation systems. It's a process, the cash is in the "time" not the work or cost per unit. Travel time is job time incidentally, including chasing parts, filters - especially when you are paying automotive technicians to fetch oil filters, fuel filters, and such gps vehicle tracking system.
Indeed, I've always instructed our crews on the requirement to honor the thought of JIT - just over time inventory, that's to express have the supplier, NAPA Auto Parts for example, deliver the filters needed seriously to the work site, why pay to stock the filters, inventory them, transport them, when these auto part companies deliver and will do anything to earn your organization? In the event that you will run an auto business whether you are dealing with private owners of SUVs or those in charge of large fleets of vehicles, then you definitely need to run it with production in mind. Please think over all of this and think on it.

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