Take your direct mail, your advertising, your website, Facebook page, special events and put them in a blender. Combine, mix on high and serve immediately. The rich flavors will generate a marketing masterpiece worthy of your finest efforts. Yields: New customers. Could keep for one or more year. Adult services toowoomba
It's true, every ingredient you enhance your marketing mix will probably enhance the potency of your campaign especially whenever you combine them and let them come together to guide each other. This is especially true when attractive to older adults. Seniors usually read direct mail and watch or tune in to commercials, hence the expiration date for these mediums is further out than say, print advertising. That.5% response rate you receive with direct mail may bring people to your community, your store or your website. Use it wisely because it is pricey; however, it could boost interest and awareness about your organization whenever you promote your website, blog, Facebook, etc., in the mailed piece (email or snail mail).
Special events are a great place to have people sign up making use of their email addresses. Offer something for free, or an opportunity to win cash or even a give-away and you'll receive more email addresses. Take your online magazine or website traveling -- to senior fairs, to trade events, anywhere you can. Then let people see what they can learn, enjoy and gain value from by participating in your online activities. Escort Engine
Needless to say there's a menu of alternatives for those people who like to take the newest communications trends of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and blogs, too. First, connect your Facebook page, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn accounts via any among numerous new social networking management services which can be often free. Then link all of this to your website. Connect the paths among all these accounts to your blog or online magazine, to reputable referral sites and obviously, your RSS Feed. Promote your events on your internet site, within these accounts, offer special discounts, etc. via these mediums. You can even try pay-per-click advertising on search engines and referral sites. Click here
In your monthly statements or newsletters, provide links and special advantages to making use of your organization's online tools. Use signage throughout your venue to promote your online and allow it to be worth a prospect's while to search for your business on the Internet.
Online strategies are far more affordable overall and are proving to be about 60% less per lead than traditional tactics. However, a slow but steady shift of funds and efforts away from the traditional methods into the online is an even more successful way to achieve the older adult market. Use the next year or two to improve your lead-generating diet to mostly online.
Debra Sheridan is President of IVY Marketing Group located in suburban Chicago. Since 1990, IVY has been serving senior housing and healthcare service providers, commercial real-estate developers and not-for-profit organizations with full service marketing, advertising and public relations services.
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